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Leadership Network

Leadership Network

The bumb’INGOMSO Leadership Network brings together young women in different communities as a means of growing their social capital. The BI Leadership Network connects like-minded adolescent girls and young women and equip them with tools they need to drive change within their communities and schools. All BI partners recruit young people into the leadership network.

To date, 55 443 young women have been recruited into the network since the inception of the project.

The objectives of the Leadership Network are to:

1. CONNECT young women with each other.

2. Provide a sense of MOBILITY and PROGRESSION

3. IGNITE a sense of passion, common identity among young women going through the network and various programs of Bumb’INGOMSO.

BI Clubs

BI Clubs

bumb’INGOMSO Clubs

These are interactive peer platforms based in communities and schools where young people are given access to information and personal development opportunities.

Bumb’INGOMSO Clubs bring together groupings of young women in different communities. Each club has a maximum of 12 members, who meet regularly to engage in discussions led by a trained facilitator/mentor. bumb’INGOMSO currently has 258 active clubs, with an average of 10 members per club, and a total of 3028 young women who participated in club activities.

From this number 168 are in school clubs, whilst 80 are out of school clubs, and 10 are in the two Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) colleges supported by bumb’INGOMSO.

Bumb’INGOMSO Clubs are facilitated by young women from the same communities who are trained and supported by the BI team. Club facilitators are supported with training and supportive supervision. Facilitators are guided by a BI club guide, however club members may decide on additional topics that are not covered in the club guide, for example bullying. The topics for discussion are also guided by the club members’ interests and needs
